Be confident that you’re getting the best price on If within 30 days of purchase you should find the same model currently advertised at a lower price by an authorized Mlmlant retailer or by Mlmlant on a third party marketplace site, we'll refund you the difference if the below details are satisfied. Visit, the chatbox on to get started. Here are the details you need to know:
Machine must be the exact same model number as it appears on and in stock. You can identify the machine serial number on the box or on the product itself.
Proof of advertised price by an authorized dealer is required (Valid copy of flyer or website URL required. Advertised price must be the listed price; membership/loyalty, promo code entries or like discounts are not eligible for price matching).
Authorized new product dealers are limited to Excludes third party marketplace sellers other than Mlmlant.
Machine must be new and in original packaging. It cannot be used, damaged, returned, open box, "close out", "clearance" or a demonstrator machine.
Machine price must not be lower due to an advertising error or misprint.
Lower price will not be honored if the result of a violation of a Mlmlant unilateral advertising or pricing policy or if doing so would result in a violation of a Mlmlant policy.
Mlmlant reserves the right to rescind this offer at any time and/or modify these terms and conditions as needed.